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Nyeste features kræver version af FlexyBook Service.

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iOS 9+
Version 1.5.39 (0)
Version 1.5.39 (1) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-07-02]
- Fix so that app works on older units again
Version 1.5.36 (0)
Version 1.5.36 (1) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-06-29]
- Fixed so 100% optional discount is not invalid.
Version 1.5.35 (0)
Version 1.5.35 (1) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-06-29]
- Fixed crash that happens when you add or choose more than the maximum allowed answers for a till question.
Version 1.5.34 (0)
Version 1.5.34 (1) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-06-29]
- Fixed autoanswer not being applied.
Version 1.5.33 (0)
Version 1.5.33 (1) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-06-29]
- Fix crash on comments
- Fix issue with loading messages getting stuck on screen
Version 1.5.32 (1)
Version 1.5.32 (0) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-04-06]
- Reimplemented auto answer support.
Version 1.5.31 (1)
Version 1.5.31 (0) iPad Compatability [Provision: 2021-01-19]
- Fixed issue with [+][-] buttons not being shown for till questions.
- Fixed navigation animation when using option of directly going to bill when saving order changes.
- Fixed iOS 13 issue with tabs where a dialogue would appear on a tab in the background instead of the current tab.
- Changed ["Åben regning", "Open bill"] to ["Se regning (betaling)", "See bill (Payment)"] due to user feedback.
- Added version with and without compatability mode, due to iPad user feedback.
- Added option to go directly to bill (payment) when saving order changes.
Version 1.5.27 (0) [Provision: 2021-01-01]
- Fixed order text issues.
Version 1.5.26 (0) [Provision: 2021-01-01]
- Fixed order text issues.
Version 1.5.25 (0) [Provision: 2020-06-14]
- Update expired provision.
[Expired]Version 1.5.24 (0)
- Fixed issue where till question wouldn't be added unless till question view was opened in app for product.
- Fixed issue with mobile pay option, not working if it was default payment option.
- Fixed issue with login page on iOS 13.
[Expired]Version 1.5.23 (2)
- Fix crash when saving order
- Fix context menu when ordering first time
[Expired]Version 1.5.23 (1)
- Fix crash in app after returning to foreground
- Fix issue seeing product till questions if none were required.
- Removed dark theme support as it caused users to experience white text on white background.
- Fixed issues with naming of context menus.
- Fixed issues with removing items from order.
[Expired]Version 1.5.21 (1)
- Fixed issue with support for automatically handling single choice till questions.
[Expired]Version 1.5.20 (1)
- Added automatic retry.
- Fixed crash issue on iOS 13.
[Expired]Version 1.5.19 (1)
- Added support for automatically handling single choice till questions.
[Expired]Version 1.5.18 (0)
- Added both original requests to connectivity information.
[Expired]Version 1.5.17 (0)
- Added compatability mode for iPad.
[Expired]Version 1.5.16 (0)
- Added better connectivity information. Fixed error when printing from options menu on bill or table.
[Expired]Version 1.5.15 (0)
- Added support for POS Question with multiples of same option and fixed a few errors.
[Expired]Version 1.5.11 (0)
- Auto add amount for payments
[Expired]Version 1.5.10 (0)
- Added Mobile Pay support
[Expired]Version 1.5.9 (1)
- Added push notification support
[Expired]Version 1.5.9 (0)
- Fix install problems
[Expired]Version 1.5.8 (115)
- Added discounts for payment view.
[Expired]Version 1.5.7 (113)
- Fixed missing button texts in dialogs.
[Expired]Version 1.5.6 (111)
- Fixed missing button texts in dialogs.
[Expired]Version 1.5.4 (109)
- Added english language support.
[Expired]Version 1.5.3 (108)
- Added german language support.
[Expired]Version 1.5.2 (107)
- Løst problem med vouchere og andre alternative betalings metoder.
[Expired]Version 1.5.2 (106)
- fejl med at vare spørgsmål får systemet til ikke at registere tryk.

iOS 7+
[Expired]Version 1.5.2 (105) - scrollplacering fejl
[Expired]Version 1.5.1 (104) - provisioning profile (24-03-2017)
[Expired]Version 1.5.0 (103) - Rettelse af scroll fejl
[Expired]Version 1.4.9 (102) - Rettelse af forbindelsesfejl ved login
[Expired]Version 1.4.8 (101) - Smårettelser og grafiske opdateringer
[Expired]Version 1.4.7 (100) - Sortering på bord og regningoversigt.
[Expired]Version 1.4.6 (99) - Initialer på bord og regningoversigt.
[Expired]Version 1.4.5 (98) - Support af alle typer fejlbeskeder.
[Expired]Version 1.4.4 (97) - Rettelse af kritisk fejl fra v96.
[Expired]Version 1.4.2 (95) - Farver på borde. Rettelse af kassespørgsmål.
[Expired]Version 1.4.1 (94) - Antal Gæster ved ny regning
[Expired]Version 1.4.0 (93) - Fejlrettelser
[Expired]Version 1.3.9 (92) - Split regning
[Expired]Version 1.3.8 (91) - Split regning
[Expired]Version 1.3.7 (90) - Split regning


Kasserede versioner - brug IKKE i drift
Version 1.5.22 (1)
- Fix issue seeing product till questions if none were required.
- Removed dark theme support as it caused users to experience white text on white background.
- Fixed issues with naming of context menus.
- Fixed issues with removing items from order.
Version 1.5.13 (0) - Rettet fejl i hvordan kassespørgsmål bliver vist efter de er svaret.
Version 1.5.12 (0) - Added support for POS Question with multiples of same option.
Version 1.5.9 (2) - Added Mobile Pay support
Version 1.5.8 (119) - Fix ui error with payment amount.
Version 1.5.8 (118) - Major redesign - Swipe, tabs & notifications.
Version 96 - Vælg automatisk påkrævet kassespørgsmål med kun en valgmulighed